how cool are house plants?

Who doesn't love them? Eric has about 47 of them (yes, I counted) and below is a picture of him with his most favourite ones.

eric with his prized variegated monstera, monstera adansonii and oxalis triangularis

eric with his prized variegated monstera, monstera adansonii and oxalis triangularis

Keeping house plants around you not only look great, but studies have shown they can help with other human factors such as:

- mood improvement
- fatigue reduction
- lowering of stress and anxiety
- performance and focus improvement
- improved air quality

The last point is especially interesting; many houseplants absorb toxic substances such as formaldehyde, benzene and trichloroethylene, so it's great to know that plants can contribute to a cleaner and safer environment for you and your family.

These are Eric's top 5 indoor plant recommendations that are easy to maintain (which are part of his collection):
1. dracaena gold star
2. maidenhair fern
3. monstera deliciosa or “swiss cheese plant”
4. fiddle-leaf fig
5. lady palm


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